Sunday, April 13, 2008

Time and Tasks

Okay this is a breakdown of the tasks that I often do (or should do) and where they fall with my priorities that I decided on.

-Quiet time
-Bible Study Classes

-Date nights with hubby
-Family meals
-Play time with Kaylin
-Whole family get togethers or meals

-Nap time (not usually, but just in case)
-Reflection time

-Yard work

This is not an exclusive list - but what I could think of at the time. I'm sure there are more tasks and many of the ones listed (ie - cleaning or exercising) really break down into many, many more tasks.

Another blog that I read,, was talking about the idea of a round robin weekend. This was where she had a ton of stuff to get done and the things typically fell into 4 categories. So, she made a list of each thing that needed to be done and which category it fell into. She then set a timer for 45 and every time the timer went off, she switched to a different category. That way she checked items off of her list, but never became overwhelmed with any one list. I like that idea, for my time management sort of. I obviously don't have time during the week to just go at it for 5 hours straight, but I DO have 24 whole hours to get things done in. If I take my categories and say that every day of the week, I will get at least one thing done in every category - it doesn't make it seem so daunting.

So here are my categories that I would like to use each day:

I will commit to at least 30 minutes for each category each day and become intentional about getting it done.

Being Intentional

Yes, I realize that it has been awhile since I posted here. So sue me...LOL.

I spent yesterday at the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Leadership Summit where the theme was "Taking Back Time." Who doesn't want to get back more of their time?? It couldn't have been more perfect for me to hear as I've really been struggling with time management here recently - what was a I doing with my time and why did it seem like nothing was done when the day was over and I was out of time?

The answer to my problem? Being Intentional.

It sounds so simple - surely we all are intentional about what we do, right? Not so much. I actually put very little intent into what I do. I was just scraping by and getting the bare minimal done each day - feed the baby - go to work - maybe sleep a little. It just isn't working for me. I've tried creating schedules and plans, but with no intent to actually follow through.

So, they encouraged us to look at our priorities. Here are what I feel my priorities are:
2.Family (both my own little family and my immediate family -mom, sisters, etc.)
3.Self (including rest, fitness and creativity)
4.Organization of my house.

Then they asked us to look at our normal activities and ask if our activities/schedule matched up with any of these priorities. The truth was for many of us, no they didn't match at all. I realized, for myself, I wasn't really doing much of anything - just going through the motions of each day.

It reminds me of the song by Switchfoot, "This is Your Life"

yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead
yesterday is a promise that you've broken
don't close your eyes,
don't close your eyes

this is your life and today is all you've got now
yeah, and today is all you'll ever have
don't close your eyes
don't close your eyes

this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be
when the world was younger and you had everything to lose

God has blessed us so much with a gift of TODAY. Yes, we've probably screwed up yesterday, but today is a new day with a new slate, thanks to His forgiveness. Are we being intentional with it? Are we using our time to truly become who we want to be?

My answer is a big, fat NO!!! A slave to the TV is not what I want to be. I want to be a loving Christian mother and wife. I want to feel that my body is a temple by giving it the proper rest, physical training and time to enjoy life. I want my daughter to be raised in a home that makes her feel safe and loved.

So today, I am making a goal to be intentional in everything I do. A goal isn't really a goal unless it is measurable, so for my start, I am going to prioritize my tasks and time and then create a plan to put into action.

What are you doing with your time? Are you being intentional with the time that God has blessed you with?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Keeping a good thing good

Brendan's aunt and cousin were going to be in town today, so I had to straighten the house to look presentable! They usually don't give us a ton of notice, but at least enough to clean the house up a bit...phew!!

Anyways, the house actually wasn't that bad since K&K's visit last month. We accumulated a bit of clutter on the table - I mean, really, who eats at a table these days anyways? We also had a lot of papers and junk in the living room. We got that cleaned up (some just got shoved into another room - out of sight, out of mind - right?) and vacuumed and swept. Not too shabby! The house cleans up well!

So, now is the problem we always come to. A guest comes over and the house is clean (read: presentable). We have the best of intentions of not only keeping it that way, but improving even more! The key word is...intentions.

So here is the plan:
Monday - clean the bathroom, straighten and organize kitchen bookshelf, work on 2007 mileage sheet and do sign up for SU!
Tuesday - Organize stamping supplies, stamp Walking to Christmas Countdown chart, work on 2007 mileage and clean up shoes.
Wednesday - gone all day!
Thursday - Work on home organization notebook using the format on Month by Month, sort Kaylin's clothes and clean the fridge.
Friday - Sort clothes in the bedroom and sweep the floor.
Saturday - Movie with the hubby and stamp club.

This can all be accomplished, right? I think so - not too much for each day. Yay! I'll be back to update! :)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Going Green!

So with St. Patrick's Day coming up and spring aproaching - green is showing up everywhere! In honor of that, DH and I went to Target tonight and picked up our first round of energy efficient light bulbs. You know, those swirly, funny looking ones?

This is our first time purchasing any of these bulbs. We have been wanting to for quite sometime, but they are so dang expensive. I know the price pays off in energy savings - which is great! However, to convert the whole house, it can add up! Target had a sale on them, though, that ended today and we had some left over money after the bills were paid. It may only be 5 bulbs right now, but if we simply buy and replace as the old bulbs go out, the cost isn't that noticeable.

Anyways, that is our little push today! Yay for going green! If we all do even a little, we can make a difference together!

Monday, February 25, 2008

February Rudolph Day!

It is one of the 12 most wonderful days of the year! Rudolph Day! Each month, on the 25th, I get myself back into the Christmas spirit! Sometimes I use the day to do some planning for the upcoming Christmas and sometimes I just use the day as an excuse to turn the Christmas music back on and drink some hot chocolate :) No matter what, it is a day that I look forward to each month!

This month the 25th happened to fall on my day off so I am trying to get a few things accomplished. I spent some time leafing through two holiday magazines that I never got around to during this last Christmas. It was just so relaxing to listen to my own personalized radio station ( that streams Christmas music all day long and look at beautiful Christmas scenes.

On my list of things to do today is:
Begin Christmas card list
Start creating Christmas card design and decide on a stampt set to order
Brainstorm craft ideas
-Crafts for Christmas in July party
Make gift/idea list

Some crafts that I found interesting in the magazines I was leafing through were: Drum Ornaments, Candy Cane Candle Holders, Holiday Cones, Snowball Wreaths, and Peppermint Swirls Ornaments.

The drum ornaments can also be used as favor holders. I'm not sure if I'd rather use that for a Christmas in July craft or if I'd rather make them and use them for favors at Christmas time. Either way, they are cheap and easy to make many of them.

Anyways, I going to go continue with my celebration, so I'll leave you with a line from my favorite Christmas carol...

"May your days be merry and bright! And may all your Christmases be white!"

Sunday, February 24, 2008

February Goals - Follow Up

As February is wrapping up, I want to go over my goals and see where I succeeded and where I have room for improvement. This also allows me a week left to catch up on things that I could still accomplish.

Marriage: Have at least one date this month by ourselves (perhaps something romantic for Valentine's Day). Continue to have lunch together twice a week.
I've done well at this! We had our first dinner date by ourselves since Kaylin was born! We've continued our lunches together every week (with the exception of one week where I was extrememly busy with work.)

Family: Spend at least 15 minutes of one on one play time with Kaylin each day. Have a family day once this month to spend with mom and sisters.
I've been enjoying my time with Kaylin each day. It is what I enjoy the most out of my time. Haven't gotten around to planning anything with my family.

Friends: Send cards to 8 people this month - just to say hello.
I haven't sent my cards yet, but I can still do that this week. I did have two friends over for dinner in Feb. and am planning a margarita night with another set of friends.

Self: Commit to 30 minutes of activity 3 times a week. Increase the amount of water I drink. Celebrate Me on the 27th.
Haven't gotten anywhere with the activity. I have definately increased my water, though. CM day is coming up on Wednesday and I am not sure what I will do just yet.

Home: Do 15 minutes of cleaning each day. Replace all blinds in the house. Prepare meals in advance to have in freezer.
Cleaning hasn't been my fort'e unfortunately, but I did do cook ahead two meals this month and used them! Yay. Blinds will probably need to wait until later as we spent a lot of money on birthday presents this month.

Work: Set goals with three employees.
Instead of setting specific goals, I've engaged in a few 1on1 contests with team members this month. Was definately successful at motivating for the moment - maybe not long term, though?

Hobbies: Create scrapbooks for family members. Spend 1 hour each week on craft time.
Totally didn't get anywhere with this so far. I'd really like to get these done, but I just don't really know what I am doing or when to find the time.

Spiritual: Continue Bible study on Daniel. Make a daily commitment to do my homework each day.
I'm really enjoying the Bible study. The homework may not be getting done every day, but it is all getting done. I'm learning so much that I never realized!

So that is where I am so far. I have a bit more time to work on things, but this will also give me some perspective when setting goals for March.

Planning Ahead

There are some events coming up this year that I would like to host gatherings for. I know that I tend to be a planner and not much of a doer, so I'd like to start making plans now that include check lists that will help me prepare slowly over time for each event.

Upcoming Events:

St. Patricks Day - March 17
Easter - March 23
MOPS Table Social - March TBD
Wedding Anniversary - April 17
May Day - May 1
4th of July Fireworks Party - TBD
Christmas in July Craft Night - July 25
Kaylin's 1st Birthday Party - August 3
Apple Baking Event - Late September, Early October
Halloween - October 31
Thanksgiving - November 27
Christmas Party - December 13
Christmas - December 25
New Years - December 31-January 1

So these are events and holidays that I would like to celebrate this year. Some will be hosted by me at my house - and these are the specific ones that I will need to do more planning for. Others will be hosted by family members and will not require as much work (yay!)

My main goal is that with at least one thing each month, I will not have enough time in between events to let my house get TOO dirty again. Hopefully I will be able to make check lists for each event and by keeping up with those, keep my house organized.

So I'll be updating with some check lists soon. The first event is St. Patricks Day and there is not really any planning needed. I'll be taking Kaylin to her first parade in Dogtown. I'm excited for this as I have fond memories growing up of St. Patricks Day. :)